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"Music is ... A higher revelation than all Wisdom & Philosophy" - Ludwig van Beethoven

The Choir of Chichester Cathedral

Chichester has long enjoyed a high reputation for the quality of its music. The choir's broad repertoire encompasses works from the Middle Ages to the present day, including over forty pieces written specifically for Chichester. The daily offering of music, performed in the Cathedral's beautiful acoustics, is at the heart of our pattern of worship. 

With a total of 18 boy choristers and 6 lay vicars, Chichester has one of the smallest cathedral choirs in Britain. The lay vicars are all professional singers and live in or near the Cathedral Close. The choristers are educated at the Prebendal School where they start as 'Probationers' in Year 3 or 4 (age 7-9), rising to the rank of chorister after about one year.
A highlight of the choir's year is its participation in the Southern Cathedrals Festival, where they join forces with their colleagues from the cathedrals of Winchester and Salisbury for a three-day celebration of choral music which draws its audience from around the world.
Early in December, the choir visits Chichester's famous Festival Theatre, performing in a series of Christmas concerts to a combined audience of several thousand.
Further afield, the choir regularly tours abroad, enjoying particularly close links with Ravenna, Bayreuth, Bamberg and Chartres.

Featured on

Various composers
Lest we forgot
The Choir of Chichester Cathedral